Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Garbage Tour 2007

Who said NY had been fully overtaken by glamorous snots and overpaid underaged bankers? Com'on now, Who's in??

See the post I found below. 

THIS THURSDAY New York City Chinatown Garbage Tour
You're invited on a free tour of the New York City Chinatown Garbage.Did you know you could make art out of dead animals? Yes. I am going to show you how to collect dead animals from the garbage in Chinatownto make your own personal taxidermy. This is the first NYC ChinatownGarbage Taxidermy Tour. You will learn how to dig in the garbage fordead animals. You can make art out of these animals. It's reallycool. I've found everything from sharks to frogs to plain oldunidentifiable crap. Sometimes I find nothing interesting, but thatis what makes it fun. You never know. RSVP is appreciated but not required. Rain or shine.
My name is Nate Hill, a Brooklyn artist who makes new animals fromdead animal parts. I sew together random animal parts to make a newanimal that doesn't really exist. Many of the parts I have used over the years have come from Chinatown's garbage.

I suggest wearing clothes you don't mind getting dirty. Long-sleeveshirts are also good to keep your arms clean. Also fully enclosedshoes are recommended. The following items will be provided: latex gloves, first aid kit, wet wipes, and antibacterial gel. You may wantto bring a plastic bag if you want to take a souvenir with you. Youmay also want to bring a flashlight, though I've never used one. Isearch by feel. After the tour is finished, I invite you to drinks atthe bar Home Sweet Home (a taxidermy themed bar).

Southeast Corner of Canal and Lafayette Street, Manhattan9-10p; $free

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